Fayette Friends of the Animal Shelter Meeting Minutes May 14, 2024
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August 24, 2024 at 4:39 pm #1436
Fayette Friends of the Animal Shelter
May 14, 2024 Minutes – Prepared By Kim DodsonWELCOME/INTRODUCTION
Vicki called meeting to order and welcomed new guests Susan Aldridge, Mark Brown
and Caitlyn Handley.
Resignation of secretary and appointment of Kim Dodson to finish term
Vicki reported the resignation of the original Secretary and announced that Kim Dodson
has been appointed to finish the term.
Shelter Update
Vicki also reported, as of today, the shelter is housing 24 puppies, 3 adult dogs and
approximately 24 kittens.
Comments from Vice President Jane Newman
Jane encouraged everyone to spend time at the shelter.
Treasure’s Report, Durel Landry
Durel reported current finance as: Alabama One checking account $ 1063.49
Alabama One savings account $5.He also explained that no funds have been used so far and donations can be made
online through the website. Durel reported that FOTAS t-shirts will be ordered soon.
Hands On Committee Report, Donna Dodson
Donna acknowledged Steve and Vicki Fowler and Janie Newman’s hard work and
leadership of FOTAS.
Report from Kim Dodson on Grant Writing Workshop
Kim shared that the presenter from the Grant Writing Workshop recommended that
volunteer hours be recorded and included in grant request(s). She also noted that
organizations were encouraged to involve community leaders, businesses as well as
other organizations.
PR Committee Report
Steve reported that the PR Committee is utilizing the FOTAS website, the FOTAS
Facebook page and signs announcing FOTAS meetings. He stressed the importance
of SHARING the FOTAS link with others. He added that featuring PETFINDER on our
website has been a valuable tool not only for reuniting lost pets and families but also for
FOTAS recognition. Steve explained that Emma Pate, FOTAS team member and MSU
student has negotiated another valuable resource with her employer. Thanks to Emma,
PetSmart has agreed to take animals from Fayette Animal Shelter into their adoption
program. Laurie Newman also recommended listing FOTAS info in church bulletins.2
Recap, Vicki Fowler
Vicki reminded members to submit signed and notarized waivers to Phil at the shelter.
She also noted that funds are still available for free spay/neutering and Diamond Dog is
offering a free grooming for every animal adopted from Fayette Animal Shelter. She
reminded and encouraged team members to consider fostering shelter pets.
New Business
Vicki mentioned that an auction is planned Saturday, May 18 at the Multi-Purpose
Complex across from the animal shelter. She asked for volunteers to meet at the shelter
and assist walking dogs wearing the ADOPTION vests.
Vicki has reached out to vets from surrounding areas regarding prices for
spaying/neutering. She explained that Dr. Newton is neutering cats and possibly small
dogs. Appointments at Kimbrell’s Vet clinic are 5 months out. She noted that vet in
Vernon had the highest rates and that Dr. Lowe in Carrollton has been receptive to
providing services at reasonable rates.
Steve present Business card listing the shelter’s info as well as FOTAS website.
Vicki and Jane encouraged members to keep Doggie/Kitty emergency kits in their
vehicles for abandoned pets.
Laurie Newman volunteered to make follow up calls on spay/neuter status of pets
adopted from Fayette Animal Shelter.
Recommendation made to ask Tractor Supply Co about scheduling a second pet
adoption day.
Vicki provided members with our House of Representative and Senate contact info and
encouraged members to reach out to them with animal welfare and shelter issues in our
Mark Brown, retired veterinarian from Tampa/St. Pete, FL commended groups efforts
and success thus far but also warned team members of burn out. Dr. Brown pointed
out that euthanasia was actually a human measure although never desired. He also
emphasized that our goal may not be obtainable from a volunteer stance but more from
a law enforcement and legislative stance. He explained one successful measure he was
familiar with was using rabies vaccination fees/fines to encourage pet owners to
spay/neuter pets; this would require a coordinated effort from animal services, law
enforcements and government leaders. Team members agreed that a sub-committee is
needed to plan and initiate discussion with local law authority as well as city, county and
possibly state leaders.
Adjourned at 6:51pm